Thursday 2 November 2017

SnC - Modern Christmas Tree Outline

Following our local Scan n Cut meeting I have put together some tutorials to help refresh the demonstrations.  This one is for recreating the Christmas Trees.

These are created in the online software - Canvas.

1.  On a new project page open up the Basic shapes and choose the triangle as highlighted on the picture below. 

2.  Using one of the corner handle resize as necessary.   (Altho I havent in the example here it might be useful for later to create a duplicate - Edit/Duplicate or ALT Click and drag).

3.   With the original triangle highlighted Edit/Create Offside Line.
 4.  For this example we are creating an inside offset at 2mm

5.  With both shape selected - Edit/Subtract.  Altho the shape will look the same it is now one piece instead of 2!   If this does not produce the expected result undo and check that the inner shape in actually in front of the bigger one.
 5a.  For ease of viewing I have recoloured the remaining shape green - This step is not necessary but might help if you are unsure.
 6.  Select a rectangle from the basic shapes.
 7.  Resize to fit the existing tree shape.  Overlap slightly.

8.  Select both shapes

9.  Edit/Weld to create one shape again.
 10.  This shape can then be used as a standalone tree or linked with other elements to create alternative designs.
 Other elements can also be added to the tree ...
... eg using the path tool and offset

... or straight lines with offset

or repeat initial process to make smaller trees (dont resize trees after the offset set and the lines may get too thin!).  Overlap slightly then select all.
merge together to make one element

Advanced use of these functions can build a forest!!  Practice needed with layers - what is in front or behind!  Also try cutting out in contasting colours and swapping the outlines and interior cuts.

Play and have fun!

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